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Litter Groups And Businesses Unite To Call On Government To Take A Lead On Litter

Christine Cahoon   Thu 03 Sep 2015   updated: Tue 20 Oct 2015

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful is one of 23 major national litter groups and business organisations to have made a joint plea to Government to take a firm lead on litter.

In a letter to the Secretaries of State and Ministers at Defra and the Department for Communities and Local Government, the 23 signatories ask the Westminster Government to form an Advisory Committee on Litter in order to deliver a National Litter Action Plan to eliminate all litter. The signatories already have a draft paper that could inform the development of the National Litter Action Plan.

The Advisory Committee will create a single channel to focus resources and will provide advice and expertise to Government Departments and Local Authorities. It will enable all parties to work together, encourage a more consistent message on littering and will also demonstrate Government commitment to reducing all litter. As stated in the letter, “The formation of an Advisory Committee is an unparalleled opportunity to take a major step to reduce the societal impact of all litter. Without such Government leadership, efforts to deal with littering will continue to be fragmented and so less effective in delivering significant reductions in littering and in the costs of dealing with it”.

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Advisory Committee on Litter
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