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The Green Key award is the leading global standard for excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation within the tourism industry. Currently operating in 57 countries with over 2900 establishments achieving award status in 2018, Green Key is a voluntary eco-label that visitors from all over the world will recognise and value. Green Key is managed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), and is recognised and supported by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Green Key criteria are recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful invites you to attend a breakfast briefing with Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful and Green Key Global to learn how this certification programme can benefit your business and the Northern Ireland tourism product as a whole.

Key Note Speaker- Finn Bolding Thomsen

Finn Bolding Thomsen has worked more than 20 years for the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), which is an international environmental organisation with members in more than 75 countries. As part of his work for FEE, Finn has travelled all over the world. Prior to taking the position as Managing Director, Finn acquired extensive experience with programme management being the International Coordinator of the Blue Flag Programme, which is a sustainable tourism programme for beaches and marinas. He also had the position as the national Coordinator of the Young Reporters for the Environment Programme, which is an environmental education and communication programme for secondary school students.

In his current position as International Green Key Director, he is in charge of the overall administrative management as well as the strategic development of the Green Key programme. The work includes development of criteria, harmonisation of the programme, reporting to the Green Key International Steering Committee and FEE Board of Directors, PR and communication, contacts to corporate partners, international hotel chain partners, web partners and institutional partners, managing Green Key establishments in countries without a national operator, conducting audits, etc.


Allstate NI Belfast

10 Mays Meadow,


N. Ireland


Contact Details

Please RSVP to Karina Robinson, Projects and Events Officer: Karina.Robinson@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org

If you wish to discuss this proposal further please do not hesitate to contact:

Ian Humphreys, Chief Executive: Ian.Humphreys@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org

Jennifer Firth, Certifications Manager: Jennifer.Firth@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org

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Green Key Breakfast Briefing
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