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A Better Way

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In February 2025, we launched A Better Way, a campaign that aims to show the public the many ways they can reduce their waste.

We know that many individuals want to take action but are not always sure how. That's where A Better Way comes in. We want to show you the simple and easy steps that all of us can take.

A Better Way is part of the growing movement toward building a circular economy and reducing waste in our society. Sending waste to landfill costs Northern Ireland. It costs our environment and costs money.

This campaign demonstrates how the smallest of changes in how we deal with our waste can make a big difference.

Image for Are you up for the challenge, Make a positive impact on the environment, And your pocket, Buy Nothing New this month

Our Message is simple...

Reduce what you use.

A better way.

Repair what you have.

A better way.

Reuse what is there.

A better way.

Rethink what you bin.

A better way.

You have read the message, here is the how.

Old Way- You keep relying on a Single Use Cup
Better Way- You switch to a Reusable Cup

Old Way- You find a rip in your clothes and put them in the bin
Better Way- Find a repair café and give them a new lease on life.

Old Way- You just always fill your bin with waste.
Better Way- You donate old items to family and friends.

If you would like to show your support for the campaign please click here to download campaign materials.

A Better Way A Better Way A Better Way
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